If the hex returns something other than “”, the smart card may not be a PIV smart card. If the card reader is not recognized by the app or there is a connected event, the reader may be defective. In order for Smart Card Utility to communicate with the smart card, it must be able to communicate with the applet on the smart card this test will show if basic communication with the reader is occurring. Copy the following hex code, then paste and send the hex code in the entry field:.Insert your smart card into the reader: you should see “Card present” and “Card connected” messages.Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Open the app and power on/insert the FEITIAN Smart Card Reader Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Rocketek CAC Smart Card Reader - DOD Military USB Common Access Card Reader - Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, Mac OS X / RT-SCR1 ID / IC Bank Card Reader at.Download iReader from the iOS App Store.With a compatible driver installed, they also seamlessly work with custom. Please verify that this is a PIV card” message when using Smart Card Utility for iOS or iPadOS, you can test connectivity, insertion, and communication with a FEITIAN reader by doing the following: The reader supports smart cards meeting ISO7816 standards which include CAC and PIV.