In the Flow package or executable field, specify the path to the node_modules\flow-bin package or the Flow binary executable file. The JavaScript page opens.įrom the JavaScript Language Version list, choose Flow. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, go to Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript. Change the project language level to Flow flowconfig configuration file to your project, and supply every file to be checked with a // comment on top. To have WebStorm recognize Flow structures, provide correct syntax highlighting, report errors properly, and avoid false-positive error highlighting, change the JavaScript language level in your project to Flow, add a. Learn more from the Flow official website. Npm install -save-dev flow-bin to install Flow as a development dependency. Npm install -global flow-bin to install Flow globally. In the embedded Terminal ( Alt+F12), type one of the following commands: Make sure you have Node.js on your computer. WebStorm recognizes Flow structures and provides syntax highlighting for them on all operating systems. Flow is a static type checker that brings type annotations to JavaScript.